Picture of a mother working

A mother working surrounded by her children.


Hello and welcome to Motherhood Musings. I am a storyteller, mother, writer, and wife. I believe in wild grace and sharing the beauty and the struggle; one does not negate the other. This is my space to share bits of motherhood, creativity- the tension in between, and other stories on our journey. I hope you find some space to breathe here while you read.

My Summer Essentials

My Summer Essentials


My summer essentials

The Blessed Little Life Blog

Disclaimer: This Post contains Affiliate Marketing links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Meaning I will receive a small commission from any purchase you make using the links throughout this post. All these products have been purchased with my own funds and are genuinely loved and used which is why I’m recommending them :)

Weekend road trips, 8pm sunsets, early morning sunshine. Sweaty faces and flushed red cheeks. Sticky chins and stinky fingers. Fireflies and too many bug bites- Summer :)

Final Exams and end of the year programs are officially a whole month behind us. And the whole month of July stretches before us until we have to think about back to school shopping and setting those school alarms. This summer I wanted to let myself find freedom- like my children. To be free to not feel like our summer has to look like anyone else’s. To be free to do all the things-or to do nothing. To make a summer bucket list. Or not. And mothers I want to extend that same freedom for you. Feel free to use some of our summer essential recommendations to make your summer days easier or come up with your own :)

When I say “essentials” I say that very loosely. All you really need to enjoy this summer is = your kids( family, spouse)+you. Thats all really. The items/resources/products I’m about to share below have made summer days easier for us. They are practical and useful for us. But they are not essential for you or your kids to have a good summer :)

Outdoor essentials:

For us summer days mean a lot of time spent outdoors and most of these “essentials” are geared towards that. Trips to the park/lake or zoo. Out door playdates/picnics/or crafting. Nature walks and water playtime. We like to keep these items on hand for all of the above!

  • Outdoor protection: Sunscreen and Bug spray. I try to have these two things with me anytime we go outside for obvious reasons (nobody likes sun burn or bug bites). I like to use the Baby organics brand of both sunscreen and bug spray for sensitive toddler skin.

  • Outdoor Fun: I also try to keep fun outdoor activities on hand for stress free outside time for them and me:) You can never go run with either Chalk or bubbles. Both are very inexpensive and can be bought at pretty much any store you might find yourself shopping at. I linked the chalk and bubbles we use on amazon. (You could go the store- or you could amazon prime it and have it in two days ;) )

  • Storage on the go : If you have children, or work with children, or have friends or family who have children then you know that anytime you head out the door with small children - you will always be taking a handful of things with you and need a place to put them. For a reusable bag that can hold up to 35lbs and can also be compacted into a ball that fits in your fist we love Flip and Tumble reusable grocery bags! They are perfect for the grocery store, library, beach, park, and holding all your outdoor essentials! They once saved me a whole container of laundry detergent that my son had broke and the bag didn’t leak any of it! So, they are also perfect for storing wet/damp things as well. We own two of their shopping bags and a whole set of their produce bags.

  • Hydration: All that fun in the sun is going to make you parched, so stay hydrated :) For a fun on the go and eco friendly reusable water bottle we love our Swell Water bottle, they come in so many fun colors/sizes and shapes!

  • Summer treats: One of my favorite summer treats to make and give my boys is popsicles! If you don’t want your kids having alot of sugar and bouncing off the walls there are so many recipes and ways to make healthy- delicious tasting popsicles! This BPA free silicone popsicle mold is reusable and easy to use and makes 6! Also for summer treats- we picked up The Forest Feast for kids cook book from our local library a few weeks ago and have had so much fun making the recipes! We have enjoyed watermelon smoothies, fried banana splits and pear galette. All the recipes are vegetarian and very kid friendly :)

So that is it for us as far as summer essentials go :) I like to keep things simple for both my boys and for my sanity, and I kept it under 10 items like I said I would :) Our hope our little list of fun and practical items makes your next trip outside with your kids a little easier and more enjoyable!

Additional Resources:

  • Looking for some summer inspiration? I’ve been pinning summer aesthetics for months :) Think bare feet, moody lighting, and all the outdoors. Head here :)

  • Need a podcast for your next road trip or maybe something to listen to over a cup of coffee? Loved this podcast episode by Dusty Hegge about failure and success. Click here.

  • If you have been following me on instagram stories the past couple of weeks you have seen me raving about othergoose. An online learning community for homeschoolers, otherschoolers, and unschoolers geared towards children ages 2-7. The lessons are very minimal on supplies and are released in weekly (5) 20 minute lessons a day. I have been doing them with my 4 year old and we are both loving it! You can dm them for a free sample lesson and sign up on their waitlist for fall! They also make these amazing scavenger hunt printables that come with a mini outdoor guide. They are only $5 - print some for you and some to use with a friend :)

Mom’s- share your tried and true summer boredom busters or essentials for toddlers in the comments below! Happy Summer-ing :)!

P.S. you can keep up with our summer adventures here :)

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