Picture of a mother working

A mother working surrounded by her children.


Hello and welcome to Motherhood Musings. I am a storyteller, mother, writer, and wife. I believe in wild grace and sharing the beauty and the struggle; one does not negate the other. This is my space to share bits of motherhood, creativity- the tension in between, and other stories on our journey. I hope you find some space to breathe here while you read.

3 books every creative should read

3 books every creative should read


Disclaimer: This Post contains Affiliate Marketing links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Meaning I will receive a small commission from any purchase you make using the links throughout this post. All these products have been purchased with my own funds and are genuinely loved and used and read, which is why I’m recommending them :)

There are many blog posts and articles on what you should read and why to become a better fill in the blank: cook, writer, photographer, mother, etc. This is not that post. These suggestions are not to help you be a better creative though that has its place. These suggestions are not necessarily for inspiration either, though every single one of them did inspire me in many ways. These suggestions are to give yourself permission to create. I believe what every creative needs isn’t more inspiration to create because I believe we have that in spades. I believe we need permission to create.


As a creative and a mother there are many arguments I use against myself about how what I’m doing is a waste of time or luxury because other things are much more necessary. After all, with a family/home/children to manage- how essential can creativity be? The first book I’m recommending answers that question on so many levels.

The Creative Family Manifesto The first book I’m recommending answers that question on so many levels. This book talks about how creativity being at the center of a family’s home structure or being apart of the daily life rhythms fosters a connection between children and their parents. And between a parent and herself. At the end of the day, that’s something we all need. To know we are connected to our loved ones and to ourselves. And creativity is such a big part of that.


Steal Like an Artist is one of the best books I have ever read for creative people. This book deals with imposter syndrome in a very practical way. There can be a lot of pressure as a creative (whether a writer, maker, photographer, musician, content creator, blogger, etc). to create something completely original and new. But from Austin Kleons perspective nothing is original because everything came from something else. He talks about telling good stories and sharing your process and loads of other helpful and practical advice for growing creatively.


Show Your Work is by the same author of Steal like an Artist. Once you have grown creatively and developed your creative process more the next logical step is to show your work! This book answers how. How to share something small everyday and be seen as an expert in your field. This book is for everyone who doesnt want to talk about their blog, business, ebook, product launch etc at parties. ( Spoiler Alert- Austin Kleon just came out with his 3rd book this month Keep Going I’ve preordered it and am waiting for it to arrive in the mail! This book is all about how to keep creating, in good times and bad. Something every creative needs to know ! )

Also, I know this title says 3 books but there is one more book I need to recommend. I devoured it in one weekend and it was the first purchase I made for myself this year. If you are into photography, creativity, instagram and the like you need to read Hashtag Authentic by Sarah Tasker ! This book has made me feel so free in my creative passions/pursuits/ and dreams!

Did I miss anything? If there is a book about creativity that has helped give you permission to create please leave your recommendations in the comments below!

Also, if you are a mother and your reading this wondering how in the world motherhood and creativity go together please read this Motherhood and Creativity. It was my most popular blog post last year but also one of the topics that I wrote about that resonated with my heart the post.

Happy Creating Friends!


 How to Celebrate Spring with Small Children

How to Celebrate Spring with Small Children

Spiced Oatmeal with Cashew Milk (Gluten free and Dairy free)

Spiced Oatmeal with Cashew Milk (Gluten free and Dairy free)