Picture of a mother working

A mother working surrounded by her children.


Hello and welcome to Motherhood Musings. I am a storyteller, mother, writer, and wife. I believe in wild grace and sharing the beauty and the struggle; one does not negate the other. This is my space to share bits of motherhood, creativity- the tension in between, and other stories on our journey. I hope you find some space to breathe here while you read.

When you've had Enough 1.17.16

When you've had Enough 1.17.16

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Only a few tender weeks into 2016 and I have already reached my limit. I pray your new year has gone more smoothly than mine. You see, I am a complete mess. My "little" and I have been battling some nasty cold/flu thing for several weeks now.

Weekends have been spent working overtime caring for a toddler who is under the weather while I have been under the weather myself. Days of work have been missed due to not being well. I have been tired, sore, desperate and anxious. There has not been enough of me to go around. I was in an accident this past week, and my car rendered undriveable, and I have been trying to heal from whiplash. Now, let me stop myself.

Do you know what I have had enough of ? My own negativity, even more so than the difficult circumstances taking place. I have had enough self-loathing, enough disappointment.

I have had enough of my own negativity. Enough is enough. This weekend I repented for all of my negative words ( phrases that begin withnever"). I asked God to close allthe doors that I opened with my words and to forgive me for looking to my own wisdom to find solutions. Sometimes we must do our part for God to do His part. Sometimes we can detain or delay our own breakthrough with our words. I'm no spiritual guru but I firmly believe that when I was holding onto my negativity it was not giving God room to work.

Where do youturn when you have had enough? When you're at the end of your rope and can't find find the words to pray? This weekend I was led too Mathew 6. It was just what I needed, and I pray it can help you as well.

9“This, then, is how you should pray: 

“ ‘Our Father in heaven, 

hallowed be your name,

10your kingdom come, 

your will be done, 

on earth as it is in heaven.

11Give us today our daily bread.

12And forgive us our debts, 

as we also have forgiven our debtors.

13And lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from the evil one.  

Sometimes the most simplest of prayers can bring the biggest change. Did praying this prayer change my problems right away? No. But hope, and peace, and faith are being rebuilt, and I have done my part so God can do His. If like myself you have had enough of yourself lately and enough of life's difficulty my advice to you is go to God. There is enough of Him for you to overcome, and there is enough of Him to face all of life's problems.

I would appreciate your prayers for provision, healing and grace!

We may have had enough of 2016 already, but God is not through with us

Lessons I Learned in the Wilderness 1.19.16

Lessons I Learned in the Wilderness 1.19.16

Chasing the Light 12.28.15

Chasing the Light 12.28.15