Picture of a mother working

A mother working surrounded by her children.


Hello and welcome to Motherhood Musings. I am a storyteller, mother, writer, and wife. I believe in wild grace and sharing the beauty and the struggle; one does not negate the other. This is my space to share bits of motherhood, creativity- the tension in between, and other stories on our journey. I hope you find some space to breathe here while you read.

 Gratitude 11.25.15

Gratitude 11.25.15



Every fall I find myself reflecting on where I was last season as compared to where I am now. 

For at least the past couple of years change has been the only constant in my life.

I have moved every six months for the past three years. (I am coming up on six in January we will see what happens lol ) This time last year I found myself in between homes for a very different reason, and a year later (for different reasons) I am in a similar situation. I haven't been in my own home during the holidays since I was first married, and my heart aches for my own space. Every fall since I graduated I thought I would go back to school. Then internships happened, engagement, marriage, full time job, pregnancy, and a beautiful baby boy. 

So far this year I had a promotion, moved into a new home, lost a home, lost a job, had a major surgery, relocated, started a new journey, started a new job. Needless to say there has been much change in my life  in a very short period of time. It wasn't all good or bad, it wasn't all a direct product of my choices. It certainly wasn't all organic. You know, the natural progression of things shifting in your life in a slow natural way. No, this was not that kind of change

This fall I am grateful for the change. Even the change I didn't choose. Even the change that made things harder. Because change has kept me growing, change has kept me from becoming stagnant. Change is leading me to trust God more, and change is teaching me what things are most important. My prayer for anyone reading this is that you would see God's goodness and Love even in the change that you didn't want and that you would have grace while you're waiting for the change you need to see.

I am so grateful for the roof over our head (even if it's not my own), for food on the table before us, for mobility, for a way to provide for my family, for the safety of the ones I love, for seeing my son everyday and hearing his voice. If anything the challenges I went through this summer taught me that none of these thing are a guarantee, but a direct product of God's goodness and Love. I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me and been there for me in my time ofneed and who gave prayers, time, finances. God BLESS you!!!! Especially in your time of need. Some of you were family, some of you friends, some of you perfect strangers. 

I am so grateful for your kindness, generous giving, and beautiful heart!!! I wouldn't have been able to have the surgery or been able to come through the worst part afterwards without the help I received. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

This is the Journey I'm on. I don't know where it leads. But I'm grateful for all the changes I didn't choose helping me reach the end of myself and find a God who is always enough.  I am grateful for the Love that was there to catch me when I fell. I am grateful for the love I've been given even if it isn't perfect and even if it's messy. I am grateful for the struggle because it leads to strength. I am so grateful that God is still writing the story, that it hasn't ended with my pain, or disappointment, or desire to give up. My hope lies in a God who is full of Love, who is writing the story, who has a plan to bring me through, and who is the only one able turn things around. 

I pray that when you choose gratefulness you will find the happiness that follows!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

James 1:17

17Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.

All content and Images Copyrights Hannah Lacy 2015-2017

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